Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Youtube crashes?

Jason Cherniak just pointed out that Youtube is not showing any new videos from the leaders for th epast 5 days, which seems to be at odds with some videos I found earlier today from Torytube that were clearly tagged "John Tory". This might throw a wrench in the works.


Jason Cherniak said...

I'm not getting anything newer than three days, even from searches like "Britney Spears".

Is this not just me?

barsaw4688 said...

I have had problems for 4 days
I uploaded a Chris Benoit video
and it's only in my profile not in search results. I checked everything nothing newer than 4 days. Thats funny since Chris Benoit is one of the hottest things on youtube. It's them i thought it was just me. Getting tired of this shit. I wish more people would go to dailymotion cause they dont get any traffic when compared with youtube so your videos wont get any views there sick of it