Thursday, October 28, 2004

real time riot: Boston

We receive Boston US networks here on our Bell TV satellite, odd since cable and over the air TV receives Buffalo, just down the road from le hot blog. But regardless having previously lived in Boston we enjoy the familiarity. Last night's coverage of the post-Red Sox celebrations on the city streets was a bonus: the ABC affiliate in Boston was flush with real-time crowd dispersion techniques, periodically interspersed with interviews with Red Sox players and owners (btw why do they give the sports trophies to the owners first now? that irks me). Back and forth: cops in riot gear, champagne over Pedro; horses charging, fan on the street comment, close up of arrest, 'thank you god' from player x, y, z...etc. Late night of viewing...

1 comment:

Chris said...

Is this a commentary on the poverty (intellectual, cultural, political) of the 500 channel universe? Or of the author's universe? Or has Greg suddenly become a baseball fan? Oh how we worry.

On the other hand, I suppose I'd be excited to see a riot running over my old stomping grounds. Mind you, that'd be your current stomping grounds, wot? Not terribly happy-making.